Canvas Prints

Angling art as canvas prints :: Rosi Oldenburg Fine Art

GALLERY WRAPPED CANVAS PRINTS offer a stylish, alternative to traditional framing with mats and glass. With a gallery wrapped canvas print on your wall, you will feel like you have museum quality art in your own home! They come stretched and ready to hang on the wall, with 1 1/2″ heavy duty stretchers and no framing is required.

All canvas prints are printed on 100% cotton, high quality canvas and guaranteed colorfast for life. They have extremely vivid color and sharpness of detail. The inks and canvas are moisture resistant and UV protected. Sizes 24 x 30 inches and larger have a brace bar support. Each gallery wrapped canvas print is shipped in a heavy-duty poly bag with bubble-wrap corner protectors, with wire and hardware attached… ready to hang on your wall right out of the box.

Canvas prints are created custom for each order and have a two-to-three week turnaround time to get to your door.

Please let us know if you would like a canvas print in a size that you do not see on the website… there are many other sizes available. Click on the link provided in an image product page to email Rosi for more information on your print size of choice.

Rosi Oldenburg Fine Art
New York | NY • USA

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