Giclee Prints

'Get Away' by Rosi Oldenburg

Get Away © Rosi Oldenburg

GICLEE PRINTS OFFER HIGH QUALITY and affordable reproductions of original artwork. Giclee refers to prints that are made with 100% archival materials, which ensures these prints will last over 100 years. They are the finest prints available on the market.

All paper giclee prints come with a 1″ white border all around and are printed on metallic photo paper which has a silver luster to its surface making the image extremely vibrant with a chrome like effect. Our prints are covered with an acid free paper mat board with a backing board and are protected by a cellophane sleeve. Each giclee print is created custom per order so turnaround could take up to several business days to ship.

Please let us know if you would like a giclee print in a size that you do not see on the website… there are many other sizes available. Click on the link provided in an image product page to email Rosi for more information on your print size of choice.

Rosi Oldenburg Fine Art
New York | NY • USA

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